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是否有现货: 认证: ISO9001
品牌: 东华奥龙 加工定制:
类型: 洛氏硬度计 标准: ISO
应用范围: 金属 测量范围: HRC
试验力: 260 允许最大高度: 800
外形尺寸: 80 重量: 60
这是国内第一台自动洛氏硬度自动检测线,标志着材料硬度试验由传统台式试验,开始走向智能自动化生产系统同步应用,不仅提高了工作效率,而且测试效果准确、安全、直观,通过采用智能识别判定技术可直接对测试结果进行分类,大大减轻了人员操作强度。 Our company innovated the first Online?Rockwell Hardness Automatic Test System in China, marking the synchronization application of material hardness test from the traditional desktop test to the intelligent automation test system. It not only can improve work efficiency, but also can reach the precision, safety and intuitive test efforts. The adoption of the intelligent identification technology on the classification of the test results could greatly lower the physical labor strength of operator.
编辑:重庆中仪克计量仪器有限公司  时间:2018/05/11